Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Single Parenting in Young Adulthood

I chose to research the topic of Single Parenting in Young Adulthood. This topic is very important to me personally and professionally. On a personal level, I have been a single parent for the past fifteen years and I can say that I have done a GREAT!! job of raising my daughter by myself; I went from being a young eager college student, to being a nineteen year old mother. Professionally, most of the clients I serve are from single parent homes. Single parenting is considered a demographic trend that is rapidly increasing and changing the face value of the typical family. ( What is the look of a normal family?) Not only are children being raised by one parent, but that parent is typically the mother, look how the make up of the family has changed over the past thirty years.
According to the statics of family.jr.org, single parenting is changing social and cultural trends, whether the result is positive or negative. Regarding what statistics or anyone else says, I am going to remain positive on this topic. Over the next couple of weeks I will be posting some of the issues that Single parent families are facing.


blessed said...

Hat's off to you. I commend you for the motherhood stand. I appreciate women like you. I was a single parent for 5yrs.My mother and her husband adopted my son and gave him a loving family with two parents,but my mother was a single mother until I was 16yrs. olds with many struggles to endure and obstacles to conquer. Though it all she made it and is still making it.There are many women who raise their children,send them to college, and return back to college themselves to futher their education. Keep up the good work.

Short Stop said...

Congratulations on a job well done. You should also pat yourself on the back for your dedication and determination to raise your daughter and provide her with protective factors that she can utilize in her young adult life. Their are so many women raising their children as single parents not all have the perservence that you display, but it brings tears to my eyes when I can see a woman properly raise her children and be able to take care of herself.

MSWstudent said...

I am proud of you for doing such a wonderful job. I am also a single mother of three children and I know the difficulties that we face on a daily basis. I birthed all three of my children by the time I was 22 years old. Since that time I have graduated from Jeff State and UAB and I am now pursuing my Masters at UA. After all that I have been through I have to say that I would not trade my children or my experiences for anything in the world. They have consprired to make me the person that I am today. I can not wait for your next post because I know that we've probably had some of the same experiences.

Angelique's said...

I can really relate to this topic because I have been a single parent for the last 10 years and I am raising three daughters. In this day and age it has been extremely important for me to be able to be a mother,provider, confidant, supporter and friend to my beautiful daughters..it really gives me inspiration when I can empathize with a person's situation that sounds so familar to mine. It is very hard raising a child when you are transistioning from being a child to an adult. You are given very huge responsiblities and are forced to grow up quickly or give up. So hats off to you and continue to be an effective role model for your daughter because kids are sponges and life lessons are taught.

Big Will said...

Single parents are not doomed to be sub par parents. In fact, if many of them were to take your lead they will be wonderful role models for their children. Raising children to be good citizens that lead productive lives can be done in a one or two parent household. A single parent can be very effective in this role. You have to be willing to humble yourself and sacrifice for the good of the child. When I look for role models from this point, forward I certainly have to include you. You have a lot to share with young single parents that do not need to be in this situation but find themselves there anyway.

Rex said...

Well you said it better than I could but I will add that the task of single parenting is enoromous and single parenting is on the rise. Relationships today are somewhat disposable or non existient and the notion of staying together for the family does not seem to be very popular. The we generation is now having to deal with the results of their actions and decisions; I am glad to see that some have chosen to actually raise the children they brought into the world.
I can not imagine how big this job is as I and my wife raised three children, she did most of the work and thank God, as of today, all is well. If left to my own devices and asked to raise my children alone, well although I have risen to many tasks, I am not sure I could have done it. My hat is off to anyone who puts their children before themselves, something we need more of. Rex